Home » Announcements » General Interest » KEY FOB ACCESS



The Association has added Key Fob Access to the two front entry doors and also the two rear doors. All Fobs must be picked up from Rick by May 14th. On May 15th, you will only be able to access the building from the front and the back with a Fob. Your keys will no longer work on these doors as of May 15th.

All units are being given two Fobs. The maximum number of Fobs any unit can have is four. Owners will only be able to purchase two additional Fobs if needed for family members or housekeepers. The cost is $50 for the third Fob and $100 for the fourth Fob.

In the event you loose your Fob, the replacement cost is $25. The lost Fob will be inactivated.

A service of FirstService Residential